Dear Neighbors and Friends, When someone in your community needs urgent medical treatment, emergency rescue, or rapid and safe hospital transit, South Branch Emergency Services now answer the call. South Branch Emergency Services was created by the merger of two long-serving emergency service organizations: Clinton First Aid & Rescue Squad and High Bridge Emergency Squad. Research convinced leaders of both founding organizations and a Steering Committee of residents, business owners, and elected officials from both communities that a merger would yield quicker response times and other efficiencies. The committee provided planning and guidance that resulted in the new South Branch Emergency Services (SBES), which launched July 1st. SBES services the same northern areas of Hunterdon County that the two former organizations did: the Town of Clinton, Clinton Township, High Bridge, Lebanon Borough and parts of Franklin, Bethlehem and Union Townships. Once a year, we ask you to help us continue this tradition of excellence. Our ability to maintain our high level of training and a safe, well-equipped fleet of emergency vehicles is a direct result of your generous support. Reasons to give:
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The Employment Committee of South Branch Emergency Services, Inc is pleased to announce the promotion of EMT/FF Ryan Clancy to the position of Full Time EMT/Operations Lt. Lt. Clancy joined SBES through the Clinton First Aid & Rescue Squad in August 2018, as a per diem EMT in our trainee program, after having completed his EMT course work at the Clinton EMS Training Center. Ryan follows in his parents footsteps of Emergency Services, and joined the Clinton Fire Department as a junior firefighter back in 2015. He followed that in another volunteer position with Mansfield EMS in 2016, earned his NJ EMT, and rose to the rank of Lt, He continues to volunteer with the Clinton Fire Department, and also served with the Mansfield Twp Fire Company from 2016 through earlier this year. He is currently employed as a 9-1-1 Public Safety Dispatcher in the Warren County Communications Center. Having become a CPR instructor with our Training Center, Lt. Clancy has continued his personal growth, and recently began the process to become a NJ EMT Instructor through our Aide position. We welcome Ryan to the officer team here at SBES! 2009 PL Gold Ford Medallion E-Super 170" Ambulance Asking: $9,900 Miles: 153000 Diesel, automatic transmission, 2 wheel drive 170" box 72" HDRM. Overall: Length 275", Width 99", Height: 107" Front line ambulance used as a BLS unit until taken out of service due to merger 7/1/2020. Being offered in as-is condition. Maintenance Records available to purchaser. Does NOT include stretcher or stretcher mount system. For questions contact [email protected] Located in Clinton NJ (Hunterdon County) for in person viewings contact above email. |
April 2024