Dear Neighbors and Friends, When someone in your community needs urgent medical treatment, emergency rescue, or rapid and safe hospital transit, South Branch Emergency Services now answer the call. South Branch Emergency Services was created by the merger of two long-serving emergency service organizations: Clinton First Aid & Rescue Squad and High Bridge Emergency Squad. Research convinced leaders of both founding organizations and a Steering Committee of residents, business owners, and elected officials from both communities that a merger would yield quicker response times and other efficiencies. The committee provided planning and guidance that resulted in the new South Branch Emergency Services (SBES), which launched July 1st. SBES services the same northern areas of Hunterdon County that the two former organizations did: the Town of Clinton, Clinton Township, High Bridge, Lebanon Borough and parts of Franklin, Bethlehem and Union Townships. Once a year, we ask you to help us continue this tradition of excellence. Our ability to maintain our high level of training and a safe, well-equipped fleet of emergency vehicles is a direct result of your generous support. Reasons to give:
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April 2024